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Powershell Commands
- To get to Powershell, you can type
into the top command line in windows explorer just like cmd
- Navigating Folders and Files
- To print the current directory
- To list all options in the current folder
ls -la
- List everything in current directory
cd xxx
- To change directory to the next typed characters
cd ~
- To change directory back to the root level
cd ..
- To change directory back up one level
cat xxx
- To print the contents of a file
- To print the history of commands
- Modifying Files
mkdir xxx
- To create a new folder with the name of the next typed characters
touch xxx
- To create a new file with the name of the next typed characters
code xxx
- To open a file in VS Code
cp xxx yyy
- To copy a file from xxx to yyy
mv xxx yyy
- To move a file from xxx to yyy
rm xxx
- To remove a file
- To overwrite a file, e.g. echo "Hello World" > hello.txt
will overwrite the file hello.txt with "Hello World"
- To append a call to a file, e.g. echo "Hello World" >> hello.txt
will append "Hello World" to the end of the file hello.txt
- Aliases
- To open your bash alias file, navigate to the root folder using
cd ~
and then open using code .bash_aliases
. This should open the file up in VS Code.
- To print all aliases
alias xxx="yyy"
- To create a new alias, e.g. alias g="git"
will create an alias for git
Git Commands
git clone
- Clone a repo from the provided URL
git init
- Initiate a git repository
git remote add origin
- Add a GitHub repository
git branch -M main
- Switch to the main branch
git commit -m "Initial commit"
- Commit with the message (-m) "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main
- Push to the main branch
git fetch --prune
- Fetch all branches and remove remote deleted branches
git commit --allow-empty -m 'Empty commit'
- Trigger the CI/CD pipeline with a blank commit
git rev-list --all | xargs git grep "git"
- Search for the word "git" in all files of all commits
VS Code Commands
Ctrl + P
- Open the file search
Ctrl + Shift + P
- Open the command palette
Ctrl + D
- Multi select (highlight a word and then press multiple times to select all words to type and replace)
Ctrl + Space
- Autocomplete the word (and auto import)
Ctrl + Shift + K
- Delete the current code line
Alt + Up/Down
- Move the current line up or down
Alt + Shift + Up/Down
- Copy the current line up or down
Chrome Shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + J
- Open Chrome dev tools console
VBA Shortcuts
- Run the current script
- Run the current line of code
Ctrl + Y
- Delete the current code line